attached is the pix that i told u, plastics, plastic containers, ropes, diapers, ciggy butts, ....even a small size electrical board!
it doesn't matter whether it came from rivers due to heavy rain lately or even it is purely done by manusia
if every each of the visitor take 5 mins doing cleaning up i'm sure our beach will be wonderful
my 2 kids joined me to do the collecting job but unfortunately others just looking aje, "eh mamak ni kutip harta karun ke?" yg pengunjung tu lagi kow dahan & daun pokok yg dikutip, kakaka
The above picture and excerpt of email is from a friend advocating that every visitor to the beach take some time to help clean the environment. At the very least, to pick their own rubbish and any that are in their vicinity. Its really sad when everyone takes things for granted and hope for the problem to be tackled by some one else. Kudos to Dennis.
If everyone does his/her part and put their rubbish in the appropriate bins, we will have pretty beaches. There won't even be a need to pick up after others (to help clean up the beaches) if everyone picked up after themselves.
Well, sadly, the Malaysian mentality is becoming more kiasu by the day. There are very few "dennis's" and far in between. In the Star yesterday, it was reported that 4,000 people attended an environment day at FRIM - to protect the environment. In a small column, it was also reported that those 4,000 people left a huge amount of rubbish behind strewn all over the park. Ironic idiots or just selfish people attending a carnival ?
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