Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cheap Mobility

I was amazed when told that these boats plying the Kuching river only charges RM0.30 per person for a trip across. With the new (under construction) multi-hundred-million Ringgit Dewan Undangan Negeri as a backdrop, which incidentally will only be used for a couple of times a year, these boats offer their services for a pittance. After 10 PM the charge will increase to RM1.00. These are government controlled charges. It boggles the mind. Even iced water costs RM0.50 in town. How do they manage to pay for fuel, upkeep of the boat and presumably feed a few mouths too ?

Extra income comes in the form of advertisement space on the boats. This year Maxis, last year it was Fair & Lovely. Perhaps they earn much more through these. Then again, their clientele looks to be from the lower income group and of course some tourists. Allowing them to raise prices will surely add a certain burden to those who rely on this type of transportation. Ironically, if you were to cross using the bridge, you will have to pay toll. Here's the clincher, even motorcycle (regular Honda cub types used by the masses) have to pay RM0.50 each time they pass. Go figure...

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