Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Aprilia SportCity 200

Picture off the brochure.

I initially wrote about my move from driving to riding to work on my other blog. This one will update that and report on the impression or long term test after doing more than 20,000 km on the saddle. However, instead of being a review this will be a post of an accident that I had this morning and how a lot of skin was saved by my full face helmet, gloves and padded jacket.

That's the mileage and the accident occurred about 15 minutes before the time shown on the clock. It happened at the junction of Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Gurney. I was going through the junction with a dark blue Kelisa trailing behind me. Suddenly two foreign national ran across the road, I blared my horn and I can hear the Kelisa's screeching brakes. The first guy manage to get off the three lane road but the second guy did not, he stopped in his track and as the Kelisa and I got closer he tried to dash across which made me jam the brakes, lost control and got intimate with the tarmac. By the time I got up, I was unable to stand not to mention pick up my bike. All I saw is the second guy on the curb looking lost, perhaps in shock.

The Kelisa is gone by now, strangely, the first guy was nowhere to be seen. Most likely trying to get away from his stupid, illegal act of running across a three lane highway which caused the accident and might have killed me.

Aftermath of the accident. Thank you to the nice gentleman from across the road who righted my bike and parked it on the side. Also to the lady in white blouse and black pants who stopped and left her box of paper tissue.

The bent handle bar.

The scratched sides.

The Nolan N102 full face helmet that saved my face. Imagine if that scratch were to be on my skin instead of on the helmet.

My work pants and the abrasion marks.

My injured knee which is throbbing as I am typing this while waiting for the clinic to open.

The second idiot just stood up while I was bent over, looked at me and walked away. No apologies, no concerns for what had just happened, he just left. This is where I pulled out my camera and took his picture, did not manage to get his face as again, believe it or not, he dashed across the road while traffic is moving - did not wait for his light to go green. His friend, the first idiot is nowhere to be seen.


J.T. said...

I'll be sitting here and waiting for you to complete more than 20,000kms. I'm sure to have a sore .... haha

That posting was dated last November. So, by now, you would have covered quite a bit, right?

Manusia Pekasam said...

Salam Pekasam,

Man, that was err...err...tragic? If i may say so.

Hope you can recover faster.

Pi Bani said...

Ouch! What a way to start the day! Tapi dalam sakit-sakit tu sempat juga lagi tu keluar camera to take pictures...

I have an electric bike at home but I don't dare use it to go to work. But it's very handy when I need to go anywhere within my kampong.

Anonymous said...

how are you now, bro?

J.T. said...

Wow... sorry to hear that. I was just at your other blog but did not read further about the accident until I came in here. Sorry.
With this kind of mishap, repairing that watch is secondary. Glad you are okay and that helmet saved you from worse injuries.

It is unfortunate that our society is getting to be very selfish. Hardly anyone wants to get involved or know his neighbour. Luckily you were helped by a good samaritan. Get well soon!

Apandi Reviews said...

Thanks guys. Pi, I always have a camera with me. On the other blog there is a post on my CRV, worst than this one bleeding and all, I still took pictures...

JT, its not just that, I suspect they are without permits and don't want to be caught...

Apandi Reviews said...

Pi, the worst bit so far is...tak boleh sujud. A simple act that I took for granted taken away in an instant. A reminder for me.
Take care.

J.T. said...

Oh yes.. I forgot about those people without permits. So, to avoid getting into trouble, they avoid everything else altogether. *sigh*

Get better soon, y'hear. :)

Unknown said...

Hi apandi sorry i don't call and get i touch with, so how your knee dah baik lom? Kat kl the jay walker is hell of a problem i have similar accident a few years back when riding my Kawa K1, lepas accident tu nak mandi ka nak gerak kan punya ler sakit tuhan jer yang tahu, hope you get well soon,
Fuad Mohamed
Kuala Lumpur

Unknown said...

Sorry that you involve in accident, anyway i have similar accident a few years ago, sakit nya bila nak mandi atau nak solat, pedih giler, anyway hope you get well soon,

Fuad Mohamed

Unknown said...

Hi apandi sorry i don't call and get i touch with, so how your knee dah baik lom? Kat kl the jay walker is hell of a problem i have similar accident a few years back when riding my Kawa K1, lepas accident tu nak mandi ka nak gerak kan punya ler sakit tuhan jer yang tahu, hope you get well soon,
Fuad Mohamed
Kuala Lumpur

Anonymous said...

woah!...you actually almost hit a guy on a 3 lane highway. Well, lesson to us all (got to add this in my list of things to lookout for in the highway...)

maybe next time you should consider taking the idiot down with you as well....

ride safely, Unpro

Anonymous said...

Uh, that hurts. Have you had any problems with the Aprilia before? Is it really good?